

Patients & Non-Patients

If you are already a patient or not, you can Walk In for Biofreeze a “well-known”  muscle ointment for relieving muscle and joint aches and pains.

I am personally using this one especially when I become the “weekend warrior” and over do it.

Just stop by and ask the Front Desk for some BioFreeze.

P.S.  Here is Tip #1…If the pain still persists combine the use of ice therapy along with the Biofreeze for 10 minutes every hour.

P.S.S. Tip #2….Alternate with Tip #1 and then combine with some moist heat.  ie: hot bath, hot tub, hot shower with 3 cups Epson Salt.  Don’t have those?  Try a hot wet towel in the microwave for 2 minutes.

Be Careful Of Heat so as to not burn yourself!  Let the heat and ice lay on you, NOT you on top of it.  Please, use common sense.

Pain is still not going away? It’s maybe 24, 48 or 72 hours later????

Still No Relief?

Sometimes it requires a healthcare professional such as a Chiropractor to determine what the problem maybe.

Come in for a No Charge Consultation to see if I can help.

Many times, you can get relief in a visit or two.

Best Regards,

Dr. David M. Warwick

Or, if you want us to send you out a free Biofreeze sample, please enter your details below and we will send it out to you as soon as possible.

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