Stretch More the Older You Get, Particularly if You have Hip Pain

Stretching is vital at any age, but the older you get the more important it is to do, particularly if you suffer from hip pain. Whether you are about to undertake a sporting activity or some manual labor, it is essential for you to do some limbering up and get the muscles ready for some action. And this is also the case especially as you grow older because your joints and muscles aren’t as in good shape as they once were.

So stretching is important, particularly if you have hip pain. Stretches can be broken down into two main categories, static and dynamic. Static exercises, as the name suggests is a more passive mode of exercise while dynamic is more active.

It is important to note that there is a time and a place for both these stretches to be applied. For example, static stretching, like touching your toes is more effective at the end of activity as a warm down type exercise. If done before activity, it can actually hinder you as it relaxes muscles, reduces blood flow and even decreases the nervous system.

In contrast, dynamic exercises should typically be done before activity because they boost blood flow and increase the nervous system to improve strength and power. It also increases range of motion and provides great benefits.

In 2014, a review of some 30 studies that looked at the differences between static and dynamic stretches found that improved performance and range of motion was significantly increased when dynamic exercise was carried out before hand. A 2010 study looking at a similar number of studies also concluded the same results. Dynamic exercises first and then warm down with static.

And for hip pain sufferers, it is also the same. A study carried out in 2019 which again looked at static v dynamic stretches in an older population around 63 years of age, and under certain weight loads, 0.25kg, and 0.5kg. The participants were asked to stand sideways behind a chair and to swing a leg out as far as they could. They compared static exercises to dynamic exercises for these tests and found that again, the dynamic exercises provided the best improvement in range of motion.

So what can hip pain sufferers do to help their lot? Well, here’s a few hip related exercises that can really help.

Stand on one leg and lift up your knee on your other leg so it is 90 deg to the floor. Then, open up your hip by moving the knee outwards and create circles for 30 seconds or until you are tired.

Next exercise, is a lunge and you will lunge forwards with the right foot and then lower your other leg. Hold the position for a few seconds and then switch to the other leg.

Finally, you can try a half squat where you start from a standing position and then bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground and try and hold your core upright.

These exercises are of course dynamic and should help you with any activity you do if you carry them out beforehand. Of course, if you experience significant pain while doing any of these exercises, then stop what you are doing and please come in and see us. We have many video exercises you can look at too.

You can also call us 360-951-4504 or even make a booking online.

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