Hello Valued Patients and Friends,

We are open for business as usual and wanted to continue to share with you what we are doing in our office to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

I, along with my team, are doing their best to avoid panic and monitor the situation from reliable sources. We have many, many people that rely on their visits to our office to make their lives pain free and better. Note that we usually see “pain” patients in our office, rather than “sick” patients. Your pain is not put on hold during this time, so we are here to provide chiropractic and massage therapy care for you.

Some patients, including my mother-in-law, in her mid-70’s, and my wife, with immune system issues, are at high risk. I am telling them to stay home! If you also are at high risk or have a compromised immune system, please stay home. We will be here for you when it is safer for you to be in public again.

As doctors and health care providers, Warwick Chiropractic and Massage has strict precautions and policies in place – all the time, not just during COVID-19 – to prevent the spread of any type of infection. This is our usual protocol, and our team is being even more careful right now. Front desk staff are even sanitizing pens after each use! We are taking it to minute detail in order to protect our staff and our patients.
Our staff is following CDC guidelines and cleaning public spaces every hour. This is not because we think you are sick, but because we are committed to keeping our space clean and minimize risk. We always use hospital grade cleaning products.

We always have a HEPA air filter in our clinic and continue to have it running constantly.
There are two bathrooms in the hallway on the way to our office entrance. Please wash your hands before entering our office. The bathrooms are labeled male and female, but we use both when needed! They are identical and for one person only. Please feel free to use either of the bathrooms if one is full.

Again, following CDC guidelines for social distancing. Our chiropractic and massage therapy treatment rooms are private, except for one. That room has a new permanent divider between the two chiropractic tables, which are many feet apart.

Our doctors and massage therapists always wash their hands in between patients, and continue to do so.

We know our patients need us. They need to continue chiropractic and massage care in order to be pain free. We are here for you. We aim to be your safe haven in this chaos.
Health of our patients and our team is our main focus – always. We have access to WA State Dept of Health information provided only to doctors and health care providers. We will follow what the WA State Dept of Health is providing as new guidelines. Right now, they are asking all health care providers to stay open.

The public Dept of Health webpage for reference is: https://www.doh.wa.gov/emergencies/coronavirus
If you are feeling sick or concerned, please reschedule your appointment. If you are out and about, we are here for you, Monday – Thursday, 9 am – 6 pm.

We will not be charging for massage therapy cancellations if you are feeling sick.

We are asking you to do the following to help our efforts to keep our office as clean as possible:

Wash your hands before entering our office.
Avoid touching your mouth, nose, eyes, and if you do, wash your hands again.
Your cell phone is one of your most touched surfaces! Please leave it in the car during the short time you are in our office. Clean it also!
Cover your cough and sneezes, and wash your hands immediately afterwards.

If you are feeling sick, call us and we will reschedule your appointment.

If you know you have been in close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19, seek medical attention and reschedule your appointment in our office.
If you have recently traveled to one of the countries with large outbreaks of COVID-19, wait 14 days before you come to our office please.

I have also instructed my front desk staff that if a patient comes in the office showing signs of fever or respiratory illness, that they should reschedule that patients appointment and direct them to primary care.

I am committed to staying calm and healthy during this pandemic. It is a great week to get outside and get sunshine. I am telling family, friends, and patients to get outside and walk every day. This will decrease stress and anxiety.

Try to keep as normal of a routine as possible. This will also help lower anxiety. Limit your social media and news access. My wife and I are reviewing the news once a day, for ten minutes only. We don’t have the news running all day, stressing out our family as a whole. Anxiety compromises your immune system. Do everything you can to keep it strong.
Supplements that I would recommend, based on my knowledge and confirmation from my own doctor: Vitamin C, 3x/day with meals, 2,000 mg each meal, Vitamin D, 20,000 IU’s during this time per day, Virattack by Herb Pharm, and elderberry syrup, twice a day.

Another thing I am currently doing is getting Myer’s Cocktail IV infusions during this time. It is high dose vitamin supplementation, going directly in to your blood stream, vs. through your digestive system. There are a few offices in Thurston County that offer this service, and I am going to Rejuvenate IV Hydration and Wellness Center in Lacey. They are following CDC guidelines for social distancing and cleaning the office. Highly recommended!

One other thing that you can do, not specifically for our office, but for our local small business community at large: if you are going out, please support local business. If you aren’t going out, consider buying a gift card for future products and services. I know many, many small business owners in Thurston County, in all professions, and they are all worried about making it through this storm. Let’s come together as a community to support our local small businesses.

Thank you for your support in keeping our office extra clean right now, and thank you for your trust and support of our team. We are here to take care of you.

Dr. Warwick and the Team at Warwick Chiropractic & Massage

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