Our Lacey Olympia chiropractor at Warwick Chiropractic says that around 70 percent of people will have neck pain in their life. There are a lot of different treatment options, but there is not much information that compares these different options.

Research done in 2012 took 272 neck pain patients and compared three options: Chiropractic, medication, and exercise. The treatment was done for 12 weeks, and  the results were amazing. The patients who received chiropractic care or exercise had the most improved pain levels. The patients were followed up for a year and at the end of that year they found that the chiropractic and exercise group still remained to have less pain than those in the medication group. In short, the results concluded that the chiropractic and exercise groups had double the chance of of getting complete pain relief than with the medication group.

Since the 1980s, studies have been done showing the short and medium term benefits of exercise and manual therapies applied to the cervical spine for patients with neck pain. The long term benefits have not really been documented. In 2002, a study was done that followed 191 patients with chronic neck pain for two years that compares spinal manipulation (SM) with one type of exercise: either low tech and low cost rehabilitative exercise (LTEx) or high tech MedX (machine assisted) rehabilitative exercises (HTEx).

The team randomly assigned the patients to 11 weeks of one of the treatments above. The patients were evaluated at the beginning of the study, after five weeks of treatment, and after the treatment (11 weeks). They also followed up with the patients 3, 6, 12, and 24 months later.

The results are as followed: SM/ LTEx and SM/ HTEx were both superior to SM alone at one and two year time points. So basically, the patients in the SM and LTEx Group has the most pain reduction and satisfaction with care. This finding is important because the care delivered to the SM/ LTEx Group costs less than care that is more specialized.

Our Lacey Olympia chiropractor here at Warwick Chiropractic concludes that it is obvious that chiropractic care with SM or mobilization with exercise training will provide the best long term outcomes. Soft tissue therapies like myofasical release, active release technique, modalities, and Chiropractic care can also be used for patients with acute or chronic neck pain.

Remember, if you are having pain and cannot find relief, visit us here at Warwick Chiropractic. Call us today 360-951-4504, book an appointment online, or simply walk in. Check out some of our other services too.

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