Here at Warwick Chiropractic & Massage in Lacey, we have been helping people get out of pain and manage their pain for many years now. Our mantra is to not have any long term treatment plans, but to consider each and every patient as different and to treat them based on their condition. So we will never sign anyone up for a 20 session treatment plan when they may only need 4 or 5 treatments to get them better again. This is what sets us apart from many other chiropractors.

So our back pain treatments in Lacey are designed to firstly, reduce or eliminate the amount of pain a patient is in and secondly to help restore proper function to the body and help ensure it doesn’t happen again. We offer several modalities and treatments in how we treat our patients including spinal manipulation, trigger point therapies and we even help educate patients to doing their own exercises at home to help prevent future problems. We have an extensive exercise video library on this site to help more.

And all this is backed up by science. There have been many studies in the past on how chiropractic treatments can help people and studies are always ongoing to discover the best ways to treat back pain.

For instance, a 2011 study looked at a group of some 301 low back pain patients who suffered chronic pain for 5 years or more and were over 65. Three groups were formed, spinal manipulation therapy group, supervised exercise therapy group and a home exercise group.

The study lasted a year and the results showed that most people from all three groups had similar experiences regarding short and long term improvements. Pain, disability and overall health wellbeing improved while the amount of medication taken dropped. So excellent and encouraging results for all three groups. The supervised exercise group was found to have improved trunk muscle strength and better all round motion, compared to the home exercise group which you would expect as the supervised group was more disciplined and had the expert advice.

Spinal manipulation has been shown to be about the best way to treat back pain, but this along with specific exercises and even yoga will have an even stronger impact on a patient and will generally improve the overall wellbeing of the patient and their spine. To further compound that statement, in 2018, the Canadian Chiropractic Guideline Initiative wrote, “A multimodal approach including SMT, other commonly used active interventions, self-management advice, and exercise is an effective treatment strategy for acute and chronic back pain, with or without leg pain.”

At Warwick Chiropractic, our back pain treatments in Lacey have been shown to have helped so many people. Our Google reviews are far higher than any other chiropractor in the area and we are so proud to have helped so many people over the years. If you are in pain, come and see us. We will examine you and suggest the best treatment options to you based on your condition. We are walk in friendly, although if you want to make an appointment, you can. Call us today 360-951-4504.

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