Chiropractor – Can one treat neck pain?

Many studies on the efficacy of spinal manipulation have been conducted for back pain, and many doctors refer patients to chiropractors because of this. But, can one treat neck pain as well? Although studies have taken some time, real proof is now available showing that neck pain can be subsided by manual manipulation, just as much as lower back pain.

Reviews and meta-analysis showcase that manipulation, mobilization, along with exercise work on their own, however working in conjunction with one another, can do far more good for patients. Cervical manipulation done in the acute and sub-acute stages of neck pain have been proven to be more effective than analgesics, pain killers, and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for pain reduction and immediate relief.

Thoracic or mid-back manipulation has also been shown to benefit patients suffering from neck pain. Manual cervical traction, spinal manipulation, and deep tissue triggers, have all been used as forms of therapy by chiropractors in treating patients. And for neck pain, including exercise will further benefit patients who visit a chiropractor for care.

The cranio cervical flexion (one exercise which can be done), where one tucks their chin inward and pushes the mid portion of the neck backward without resistance from the fingers into a towel, is one of the best exercises in treating pain. A gradual crescendo of pressure followed by release also works wonders. Fiber stretching is another exercise individuals can perform. You simply side bend the head while applying pressure downwards with the opposite hand/arm. This allows you to search for tight muscle fibers and loosen them. Forward and backward rotations should accompany this exercise, to help loosen up tightened/tense muscle fibers.

For these, and other exercises you should consider, Dr David Warwick Your Local Lacey Olympia WA Chiropractor located near Seattle Tacoma WA is the premier chiropractor to visit. Not only to teach you different exercises to perform, but also to provide premier chiropractic care in treating your neck pain.

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