We LOVE a Good Healthcare Cost Hack! Learn how Self-Pay Saves You Money!

We all know health insurance is not what it used to be. Do you have a health insurance policy with an outrageously high deductible (as Dr. Warwick and family do!)? Guess what? It’s easy to get around that fact for chiropractic care!

Here’s our favorite healthcare hack: the solution to paying too much is actually not using insurance at all but paying out of pocket.

Self-paying for chiropractic adjustments, exams, and cold laser therapy can save patients to up more than 80%!!

At Warwick Chiropractic, there are many options for financially savvy patients to save including:

*New patient visits for $97 vs. up to $450

*Established patient visits for $45 vs. up to $250

*Progress exams for $35 vs. $125

*Cold laser therapy for $20 vs. $65

Please don’t let your healthcare suffer just because your insurance policy doesn’t cover anything until you have met that huge amount of money called your high deductible. Doctors have to charge insurance companies more because getting paid by them is a very costly headache.  Giving patients a self-pay discount benefits everyone by keeping the insurance company from passing the bill (and the headache) back to the patient.

Our self pay discounts are always available to patients who either have no insurance or choose not to bill their insurance due to high deductibles or other reasons. Let us help you save money on your next visit, and feel free to take advantage of this healthcare hack!

(Not applicable for work injury, motor vehicle collisions, or Medicare. Prices subject to change based upon 3rd party payer contracts & Excludes Medicare.)

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